Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Steve Jobs cartoon saying HELLO! BEFORE! in Russian(?) after Jailbreak

It seems that the Steve Jobs cartoon staring at me after an attempted 3.0 jailbreak with redsn0w, meant that the phone was in recovery mode. Jailbreak failed.

Re-trying to jailbreak did not solve the problem. Instead I restored the phone with iTunes (3.0 fw) and then retried with redsn0w which reflashed the 3.0 fw with the good stuff succesfully.

I guess the correct way to re-jailbreak and re-unlock your iPhone with 3.0 is:

1. Upgrade to 3.0 through iTunes
2. Download 3.0 for iPhone 3G here, (iPhone 2G here, and 3GS here)
3. Download redsn0w here (download links at the end of the post, both mac and win)
4. Follow the instructions carefully and wait until the process ends
5. If you haven't done step 1, Steve Jobs might greet you in Russian; start over!
6. If you also need to unlock the iPhone, launch Cydia and add the source ""
7. Download Ultrasn0w.
8. Restart!

If all went well you should have an activated, jailbroken and unlocked 3.0 iPhone


  1. well, i'm praying this approach resolves the problem. Will confirm shortly ...

  2. So far you're bang on, I tried reinstalling and got the Steve Jobs cartoon again. I'm now attempting to install 3.0 via iTunes ... so far not much is happening ... I'll update shortly ... I hope ...

  3. Ah, not much was happening because it was downloading the 3.0 update ... ;-) Which is 230+ MB. It's started the restore process now ... very exciting stuff. Assuming this doesn't go wrong, it's a huge plus for the jail breaking process. i.e. Even if it goes wrong it's not a complete disaster. (fingers x'd)

  4. iPhone takes approx 15mins to update and it seems to be ok. Now I'm going to try and jailbreak again ...

  5. I hope all goes well:) Could you please let me know if you lost any data from the procedure or not?

  6. Totally worked. That said for some reason the IPSW I got from this site looked a little different as it installed. Not sure if it's a different file or the process just looks different when 3.0 is already on the iPhone.

    I also noticed that the update went a lot faster when 3.0 is already on the iPhone vs going from 2.0 to 3.0. I think it took less than 5mins!

    In any case thanks very much for the info, it was very handy.

  7. The only thing you lose is stuff you didn't back up. These are the same things you lose when you update your firmware in the regular fashion via iTunes (i.e. non Jail Break updates)

    Notes are a big gotcha and in my case I totally forgot to back up my Photo Roll. If I was a Mac user this probably wouldn't have been a problem (you'd normally use iPhoto to keep your camera roll synced). But windows users beware! Back up your photos before you update firmware

  8. Note in the above post I said you'd lose anything you don't back up or Sync, this includes, Contacts, emails, etc etc. In my case I sync these things to Outlook and to Mobile Me .. so I didn't lose them ... I suppose you could back up your iPhone before you start the update ... and then restore ... I did back up in this way ... but decided not to restore the backup as I wanted a fresh start. Either way I don't think it would have restored my Pictures ... *shrug*

  9. I'm glad my post was of use, hopefully people can take example from your mishaps as well :)

  10. well im stuck at the picture and my itouch will not register in itunes or my computer. it makes the connect sound but nothing happens. i tried recovery mode which was also unsecsessful. help please

  11. Whenever I had similar problems they were solved by restarting the computer and iPhone..Give it a try if you haven't already.

  12. Okay cool. By the way. Ive heard sooooo many mistranslations of the russian steve jobs. ПРЕТЕД! = BEFORE!. Not hi or hello. Or check. Idk why it says "before" but it does. Just incase any one was wondering.
